A Walk in the Quimper Wildlife Corridor

On September 15, 2015, the Natural History Society joined for a walk in the Quimper Wildlife Corridor. We met at the small parking area at the end of North Jacob Miller Road, and visited the Quimper West property protected by Jefferson Land Trust. We enjoyed the ambiance of a 100-year-old lowland second-growth forest and discussed forest ecology with Dave Rugh and Chris Jones who have lived and worked in the forests of the northern Olympic Peninsula for decades.

344What trees are growing here? Which species will eventually dominate if the forest remains undisturbed by wildfire or clearcuts? What constitutes an old-growth forest? How can you evaluate the health of a forest? Participants were encouraged to bring their  ideas and questions, and together we explored the makeup of this forest.

Chris at jltnatural@saveland.org was the contact for more information.